Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Social Psychology Assignment Essay - 4234 Words

Xolani Mazibuko Xolani Mazibuko A comprehensive view of South African race relations. A comprehensive view of South African race relations. Race relations in South africa Social Psychology assignment 1 Race relations in South africa Social Psychology assignment 1 Table of contents Contents 1. Introduction: 2 2. The impact of Social cognition and schemas on race relations: 2 3. Role of attribution and attitudes in understanding race relations: 5 4. Impact of prejudice and discrimination on race relations: 7 5. Social influence: how it impacts race relations in South Africa 10 6. Conclusion: 11 Reference list: 12 1. Introduction: When speaking of racial relations, one is†¦show more content†¦In other words, it will discuss how social cognition and schemas potentially impact race relations. The role of attribution in understanding race relations will be highlighted, followed by how attitudes influence race relations behaviour. Prejudice and discrimination and how they impact race relations will also be discussed, as well as how social influence impacts race relations. The discussion will end with a cohesive summary and conclusion. 2. The impact of Social cognition and schemas on race relations: In order to explain how social cognition and schemas might have an impact on race relations, it is important to define them first. Social cognition refers to how individuals perceive the world around them, in other words, their social world. Social cognition is a very key concept in understating race relations because it enables individuals to make judgements and form attitudes about themselves as well as other people. (Vazire, 2010). Social cognition is closely connected to the concept of schemas. This is simply because the need for wanting to make sense of things causes people to seek ways of simplifying the world around them. This is where the concept of schemas comes in. Schemas serve as mental frameworks that assist people in the simplification of information about a particular topic. In other words, schemas are mental representations of the situations encountered in daily life. They also serve as a form of predictor as to how someone will behave orShow MoreRelatedSocial Psychology Assignment699 Words   |  3 Pagesethnic group or a religious group. Stereotypes serve distinct roles as cognitive schemas, allowing people to quickly process new information about an event or person, (Social Psychology: Stereotypes and Prejudice, 2012). They can also help people to meaningfully assess differences between individuals and groups, (Social Psychology: Stereotypes and Prejudice, 2012). 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