Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Business information system Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Business information system - Case Study Example n the case study with regard to their course and the benefits a management student expects to gain (BIS 2011, Abramowicz, Maciaszek, WeÃŒ ¨cel & International Conference on Business Process and Services Computing, 2011). It means different things to different people. However, they vary in approach, structure and style. The situation must be dealt well by the student learning in decision making and role manager situation. Several alternatives can be chosen in courses of action in the described situation being faced by the decision maker. However, there are no answers which are correct and unique in the method of case study. Class large group discussions, small group discussion, and individual preparation are the three stages of case study method comprising of different roles (BIS 2011, Abramowicz, Maciaszek, WeÃŒ ¨cel & International Conference on Business Process and Services Computing, 2011). Before each class, student’s intensive preparation is required in the method unlike teaching based on the lecture. First the case should be read thoroughly and severally to grasp the described situation with the facts being familiarized and important description of the student noted (Sharma, 2014). Thorough understanding must be acquired by the student, main protagonist identification and their relationship keeping in mind the different kinds of presentation in the case study. Speculation (non verified information), assumptions generated during discussion and case analysis and inferences which represents the judgment of individuals in a situation given. However, they are not equally valuable. Upon reliance on the facts, quality decisions can be seen (BIS 2011, Abramowicz, Maciaszek, WeÃŒ ¨cel & International Conference on Business Process and Services Computing, 2011). Internal evaluation part might be a case written analysis and must be properly structured when needed by a student. A structure of specific guidelines may be provided by the instructor. However, a neat and

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Social problems paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Social problems paper - Essay Example The following statement made by Bankoff becomes highly significant in this context: "If the Indian Ocean Tsunami and Hurricane Katrina can be said to have any 'lessons' for us, it is to suggest that western developed countries may have as much to learn about disaster preparedness, management and recovery from non-western developing countries in terms of community-based assistance and the integrated flexible use of technology as the latter do from the former in terms of technocratic know-how and scientific expertise." (Bankoff, 2006). Thus these disasters "appear to both reinforce and then question the way western people think about what makes communities and societies vulnerable." (Bankoff, 2006). We always talk about economic inequalities at the time of a disaster rather than focusing on more relevant factors. Does it matter a lot When we consider the lessons taught by the two disasters, we are sure that economic inequalities did not have such a great significance. Both the economically sound and weak nations are yet to learn the real lessons of the hazards. In the matters of hazards and disaster preparedness, management and recovery, the economically weak nations always rely not on the technocratic solutions.